
Thursday, 20 May 2021

My Mum's hands Poem

This week writing task was a free-verse poem about '' my mum Hands. We practised using  semi-colour a range of sentence lengths and using better vocabulary. Our poems are based on an original poem written by  Gary O'Connell. I chose to write about my mums hands because she is someone very special to me 

 My Mum's hands

are smooth and ruff at the same time 

Her back ,as straight as a stick.

Her legs , as stiff as a post.  

Her , laugh as loud as sound.

Her ,voice as soft as a pillow. 

Her hair ,as black as night

Living peacefully 

                                                                     wrapped with love 

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Jairus drawn by me

I made this outline of my face with Mr Goodwin it was pretty hard we had to use the polyline tool on google drawings. we started with getting a picture of our self's then tracing around our hair and other parts of our face.       

Friday, 14 May 2021

New playground

At Ruapotaka school we got a new playground that replaced the old park that was there, the new playground has new equipment we can play on.

There is a flying fox, orex spinner, slides and swings I really like the swings but I miss the old park. some of the students help to take dirt from the site and store it behind the shed.                                 

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Blog bingo

 At school we had Mr Goodwin and he show us this blog bingo basically you have to fill in the boxes with                              images from your blog and the first one to get four in a row wins 


About me 2021


Talofa lava My name is jairus I am a year 8 from ruapotaka school my teachers name is Mr Nevalagi I am from a Samoan family I have one brother and a one sister I am the youngest I enjoy Playing games on my PS4 and my favourite food to eat is french toast. I love the taste of it.I like to go to the pools when its a hot day in the weekends and have BBQ on special days