Tuesday, 17 August 2021
8 bit pixel art
Today for Cybersmart we made pixel art first of all we made Mario witch took a long time to even though it was a very simple piece. We had to count out the squares one by one but the thing that was very annoying was finding the same color that we used for the body. To me this was very hard with a mouse I bet this would have been done fast. After we could make what ever we wanted this was my third creation it is a sword and my second one was a Minecraft diamond sword.
Friday, 13 August 2021
30 Second News
On Monday we did something called 30 second news, our hole class has to find something to talk about like a news reporter. We use site's to find our topic like kiwi kids news and many other site's. We link the page where our topic is and write about it like we are real news reporters at the scene. Also we only have 30 seconds to talk about it, this is my one down below.
Tuesday, 10 August 2021
Transum Maths
Today I did something called Transum math where you can earn trophies by doing math there are many task you can do like basic addition, subtraction and multiplication. I have earn over 15 trophies there are different levels of the task so if you finish the first level you can move on to the second one. I like doing the great Expectation game it is a really fun game That you have to pick cards randomly and make numbers out of them. Basically you have to make the left side a larger number than the right once you place it down you can't pick them back up so it's like 50% skill and like 50% luck.
Friday, 6 August 2021
Today one of our task is to build the St Louis ship in Minecraft Education I built the bottom half of the ship first. I tried to shape it into a boat after I did all that I put rails at the back and the front then put poles. Then I was ready to build the cabin of the boat where all the people were ,I did this build on water hoping for extra points some others did the on flat ground. I tried to make it look like the real thing by putting the two thing on top sorry I don't know what they are called.
Side ways
Friday, 30 July 2021
Minecraft Education
On Minecraft Education We had to build a concentration camp We could work with someone or work by yourself. I built this one by myself I started with building the wall in a pattern then I added a a way to get in the camp. I also added two buildings beside each other where the people can sleep after I made this tower. A concentration camp is a place with large numbers of people sometime to provide forced labour or to await mass execution concentration camps started in march 1933.
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Front Gate |
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Birds eye view |
Friday, 9 July 2021
The last day of school
Today is the last day of school , I am kinda relieved and some what sad that it is but I will never forget the fun I had this term. I have had a lot of challenges along the way here ,the thing that I had found challenging this term is to try finish my work on time so that I would not have to do it as homework. Also I liked to learn how to solve questions in a way that makes it more easier to solve. My goals for next term is to learn how to double fractions and learn all my times tables. My other goals for next term is to be better than before at doing sports also wanna have fun while doing it. What i enjoyed about this term was going to the sailing trip to learn how there boats work and different knots ,it was a lot of fun. I also enjoyed Samoan language week it was a lot of fun.
Friday, 2 July 2021
A little fact
The Sun is the closest star to Earth any other star will take up to 100,000 years to get too. The sun could fit one million Earths inside of it also it is nearly a perfect sphere. It is the center of the solar system and makes up 99.86 percent of the solar system and In the solar system there are like 200 moons.
Friday, 25 June 2021
Good bye
A teacher from Ruapotaka Mr Botha is leaving our school Today we had a assembly all for him I was not a student of his but he was a good teacher to the ones he did teach. He has been here for about two and a half years. He was a really nice teacher I hate to see another one go hope he remembers Ruapotaka school because his students won't forget him.but still that give us more of a chance to meet new teachers and make good memory's with them with the time that they are here. :)

Thursday, 24 June 2021
In the night time we all can see the shiny stars in the air,well there is something special about all
of them like there is some that is hot and some that is cold. In order to see the closest star to earth
not including the sun you will have to travel in a rocket ship that will take 100,000 years. yes it's
impossible to even get close because it's too far so that's why we use telescopes that will see far
and far away. The closest star to Earth is the sun. Stars are really huge; many are even bigger than
the sun itself; some stars are constellations. Most people think that the red star is the hottest but that's not the case the blue star is the hottest
with 30 thousand degrees Celsius. Which i know most of you guys think that the sun maybe the
biggest star well,no there’s a star that is 10 times bigger than it seems the name of it is called
Betelgeuse. Stars shine bright because there are hot balls burning in outer space ,shooting stars
aren’t really stars they are just little asteroids burning in Earth's atmosphere .
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Caged bird
Caged Bird Central Idea and Tone Jairus
Group members:
Focus: Critical Questions for Understanding Poet’s Purpose - Useful link
LI: identify and critique the author’s intention for writing; identify symbols and inferences in writing;
SC: identify tone; diction; poetic devices; describe impact or intended effect.
Identify the speaker of the poem. Jairus: The caged bird
What is the speaker’s tone? D.J:Mostly negative and some positive
What vocabulary is used (diction), which reveals the speaker’s tone? Renei: Seldom,Grave of dreams,The caged bird,Rage
What is the connotation, implied or true meaning of each word ?
D.J: Seldom see through Grave of dreams; Dreams of something but is not to come true;
The caged bird:The bird is trapped in a cage
Rage; Really angry
What stanzas are repeated? Jairus: paragraph 3 and paragraph 6
Why are they repeated? Renei: The 3rd paragraph and the 6th paragraph,is repeated because you're trying to emphasize and because it's the same thing.
Identify FOUR symbols from the poem which are used to stand for bigger ideas than their literal meaning? D.J:Grave of dreams represents no dreams of positive vibes.
What is the central idea of a poem? Renei: It highlights the differences between being free and being trapped.
State central idea in one sentence.D.J: It highlights the differences between being free and being trapped and the author is trying to spread the messages to the readers that it is talking about her.
Last question: Based on what we know about Angelou’s life, what are the possible connections between Angelou’s life and her poem “Caged Bird”?
Team: Jairus: her life experiences
Thursday, 10 June 2021
Sailing trip at Okahu bay
At sailing we went to Okahu bay we met coaches there and they told us how the sails work and the boats. when they told us all the parts we had to get changed and get into our gear a wet suit, coat, life jacket and helmet. after all of the we finished learning about the boats we went into three groups one, two and three I was in group two we went to learn about different knots to tie like the figure 8 knot after we knew hot to tie the knots we had challenges like who can make three the fastest. Then they took us to go and sail with all of our gear put on we were ready to sail on our own.
Thursday, 20 May 2021
My Mum's hands Poem
This week writing task was a free-verse poem about '' my mum Hands. We practised using semi-colour a range of sentence lengths and using better vocabulary. Our poems are based on an original poem written by Gary O'Connell. I chose to write about my mums hands because she is someone very special to me
My Mum's hands
are smooth and ruff at the same time
Her back ,as straight as a stick.
Her legs , as stiff as a post.
Her , laugh as loud as sound.
Her ,voice as soft as a pillow.
Her hair ,as black as night
Living peacefully
wrapped with love
Tuesday, 18 May 2021
Jairus drawn by me
Friday, 14 May 2021
New playground
At Ruapotaka school we got a new playground that replaced the old park that was there, the new playground has new equipment we can play on.
There is a flying fox, orex spinner, slides and swings I really like the swings but I miss the old park. some of the students help to take dirt from the site and store it behind the shed.
Tuesday, 11 May 2021
Blog bingo
About me 2021
Talofa lava My name is jairus I am a year 8 from ruapotaka school my teachers name is Mr Nevalagi I am from a Samoan family I have one brother and a one sister I am the youngest I enjoy Playing games on my PS4 and my favourite food to eat is french toast. I love the taste of it.I like to go to the pools when its a hot day in the weekends and have BBQ on special days
Friday, 9 April 2021
New fun game
This is a game called banana grams you have to make words out off these letters but you have to connect them together like in the photo. I've enjoyed connecting these word together until me and my friends use all of the words that we have been given. It was pretty hard to make words out of our letters because the letters were random.One thing that was tricky was trying to use all the random words that we had but we had letters to make YEET.
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Americas cup animation
This is my animation I did with Mr Goodwin I made the boat that is shown in this it was really fun to make it has 39 slides